Wellness and General Medicine

Our client base is varied and represents a wide range of individuals with strong convictions about diet, religion, and medical practices. We try to work with each individual to provide the highest level of care for the animal that is within the tolerance range of the client.  Sometimes this means that we have to become very creative. Some of our clients have animal companions that are very sick or have been injured. Some have puppies, kittens, or foals that they would like to raise with a healthy diet and a minimum of vaccinations. Others have healthy, adult animal companions that they want to maintain on a minimum of drugs, vaccinations, and chemical deterrents to fleas and other parasites.

Our wellness program is based upon prevention and the early detection of disease processes which could develop into life shortening conditions.

Young Animals

At Red Rowan we try to work with the client to determine what is best for his or her young animal companion. If the puppy, kitten, or foal is destined for the show ring, in training, or in other ways becoming a social animal, he or she needs to be protected from the diseases that are inherent with that kind of life style.

On the other hand, the puppy or kitten that stays at home or the foal in the pasture, who has little interaction with other animals, presents a totally different set of health maintenance requirements.

Healthy Adults 

Your healthy dog or cat needs little more than a yearly physical. At that appointment Dr. Bamford will perform a physical examination, check the vaccination status of your companion, and provide a forum to discuss any changes in health or behavior about which you have questions.

Sometimes even healthy companions get tummy upsets, diarrhea, cuts, scrapes, bruises, or infections especially of the ears or anal glands. Often the client wants these treated with a bare minimum of antibiotics, chemicals, and fuss. We try to honor your wishes but will discuss fully with you if stronger medications will alleviate the pain, shorten the recovery time, or just provide a better solution to the problem. You, however, will remain in control.

Transition Years and Senior Citizens

When your pet reaches seven years of age, lab tests are recommended to determine the status of his/her internal health. This provides a baseline to which later lab results can be compared, especially if your pet becomes ill or is severely injured. Later adulthood is also the time that many active pets begin to slow down, put on weight, or have changes in metabolism that are seen later as disease. This test or some parts of the whole test are recommended every two or three years until your pet transitions to Senior Citizen status. At that time tests are recommended every year or more frequently if health changes are noted.

  • Total Body Function is a blood test that evaluates the composition of the blood. It starts out with a count of the red and white blood cells, the balance of chemicals that make up the blood, and the byproducts of metabolic processes in the body. The processes of digestion and the function of organs such as the kidneys and liver can be evaluated; as can the function of glands such as the pancreas and thyroid. When detected at onset, many abnormal conditions can be altered through dietary change or supplementation before they become a life threatening disease.
  • Urinalysis is an evaluation of physical characteristics and chemical and physiologic components of the urine.  These provide anpther insight into the function of your companion’s internal organs, most especially the urinary system if urinary tract infection, bladder stones, or diabetes is suspected

Various elements of these tests can be run alone to monitor a particular problem area.


Vaccination Policy 

  • Vaccine Titer tests are recommended which allow us to monitor the immune status of your dog against Parvo and Distemper. If the immune response is high, vaccination can be avoided.
  • Vaccination for Rabies is required by the Federal Government and regulated by the State.  A rabies vaccination, good for three years, is required for all dogs in California and some cats in L.A. County.  Titers are not accepted as proof of immunity to Rabies except in the case of export. .

Equine Medicine

The equine practice at Red Rowan is limited to preventative and supportive care of healthy horses using Homeopathy, Chiropractic, often in combination with cold laser treatment.

  • Dr. Bamford is a lifetime horse person and is up to date on most supplements to support weight gain, weight loss, digestion, and the mood altering and behavior modification preparations on the market.
  • We recommend and perform titer testing for West Nile Virus to avoid vaccination. Many horses in this area have shown very high titer levels and are considered to have life-time immunity. This immunity is thought to have been developed by the horse having a sub-clinical case of West Nile from a previous exposure to the disease.




If you do not have a regular veterinarian, we will be glad to refer you to an equine practitioner in your area,

Dr. Megan Bamford
10180 Stonehurst Ave.
Sun Valley, CA 91352

Phone: (818)768-0954
E-mail: [email protected]
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